New year and It’s spirit

Another new year has begun. Welcome year 2022. Either in small or large arrangement the beginning of new year is celebrated. People from different culture, cities, traditions and different background finds it amusing to wish their loved one on new year. Making New Year resolutions is more popular in the western hemisphere, although it is also practised in the eastern hemisphere. A person makes a pledge to modify an undesired habit or behaviour, or set a personal goal. But where did the celebration come from?

The Roman republican calendar and the Julian calendar both recognized January 1 as the beginning of the New Year. The date was chosen partly in honor of Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and the month’s namesake. Though medieval Christians attempted to replace January 1 with more religiously significant dates, Pope Gregory XIII created a revised calendar that officially established January 1 as New Year’s Day in 1582. That date was gradually adopted in Europe and beyond; it subsequently spread to countries without dominant Christian traditions.
Throughout antiquity, civilizations around the world developed increasingly sophisticated calendars, typically pinning the first day of the year to an agricultural or astronomical event. In Egypt, for instance, the year began with the annual flooding of the Nile, which coincided with the rising of the star Sirius. The first day of the Chinese new year, meanwhile, occurred with the second new moon after the winter solstice.
Muslims marks the New Year day on the first day of the month Muharram. Muslims will celebrate the New Year on the evening of August 30th in 2019 named Al Hijri as Islamic New Year. Bangladeshi have their own new year consists of 12 months staring in april 15 in 2022.

Many people will make New Year’s resolutions, however the majority will also fail to achieve them. But making resolutions is still a good idea. Making New Year’s resolutions is inherently hopeful and optimistic. Expecting things can get better for you, for your work experience or for your community. This positive view of the future, in turn, tends to motivate action. Being honest with yourself about your current condition and the distance to your preferred situation is key to improvement. And being intentional about how you want to grow and develop will help you achieve results. Your resolution to stop procrastination is a great way to self improvement. One’s action can impact others. The primary way people learn is through experiencing the behavior of others. Even if they’re not consciously aware of it, people pick up on choices and cues from others—constantly. When you focus on the future and focus on improvement, you necessarily inspire those around you. Your resolution to stop procrastinating will contribute to a positive team dynamic with your co-workers.

Lastly, anyone can make a New Year’s resolutions but only a few will keep them and its okay. The act of making them and striving toward them will have positive effects for you and others around you.

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